• 1399/01/13 - 06:53
  • بازدید: 526
  • زمان مطالعه : 1 دقیقه

Free Covid-19 testing in Virtual University of Medical Sciences

Due to the corona national headquarters enactment, Virtual University of Medical Sciences has been operating since the early days of the year. VUMS public relations- Covid-19 test was done free for VUMS employees in collaboration with one of Tehran laboratories and in accordance with the basic health principles.

Due to the corona national headquarters enactment, Virtual University of Medical Sciences has been operating since the early days of the year.

VUMS public relations- Covid-19 test was done free for VUMS employees in collaboration with one of Tehran laboratories and in accordance with the basic health principles.

Since December 2019, Coronavirus known as COVID-19 was first detected in the city of Wuhan, in the province of Hubei, in the People’s Republic of China. At first, the disease was known as a Pneumonia, but on December 30 2020, China Health National Commission was declared the outbreak of this unknown virus.

This type of coronavirus can transmitted by cough, sneeze, shake-hand and close contacts, specialists recommended people to avoid shake hand, close contact and attendance in public centers. Moreover, try to cover their mouth and nose when they are sneeze or cough with a clean tissue or use their elbow to restrict their respiratory drops.

Iranian can play a key role in defatting with this virus by referring to electronic screening system and complete the requested information. (web address: https://salamat.gov.ir )

  • گروه خبری : گروه های مطالب
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