• 1398/09/11 - 09:10
  • بازدید: 152
  • زمان مطالعه : 1 دقیقه

The eBall Day Event Was Held

To identify and support innovative ideas, the accelerator of the Virtual University of Medical Sciences held its first startup event, called eBall Day. The accelerator of the Virtual University of Medical Sciences which was founded to promote entrepreneurship and business in virtual education, e-health, and telemedicine.


To identify and support innovative ideas, the accelerator of the Virtual University of Medical Sciences held its first startup event, called eBall Day, from 15 to 17, January 2020. The accelerator of the Virtual University of Medical Sciences which was founded to promote entrepreneurship and business in virtual education, e-health, and telemedicine, held its first startup event, called eBall Day. The areas of activity at the startup event included e-learning and virtual education, e-medicine and health, telemedicine, health tourism, financial technologies in the health field, and their sub-categories. The event was held from 15 to 17, January 2020 at the Iran National Innovation Fund in partnership with AVECEN Company. This startup event brought together nearly 100 innovative ideas and enthusiasts from across the country. On the first day of the event, 37 innovative ideas were presented, 15 of which were selected for further development and improvement. After forming teams, and undergoing three days of intensive mentoring and specialized workshops, these 15 ideas were carefully reviewed, modified and refined and a business plan was prepared for each one. At the end of the third and final day, all of the ideas were presented to the jury the top 5 ideas were selected as the leading ideas which had the capability to enter the eBall accelerator and receive financial and educational support. One idea won the first prize of 10 million tomans.

  • گروه خبری : گروه های مطالب
کلمات کلیدی:


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امور دانشگاهی:جشنواره آموزشی علوم تشریح

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